October 2009

Good morning…well, after a weekend of wonderful music, the Civic Orchestra is back at it.

A few thoughts about the opening season concert: As you know, we had Ruslan Biryukov with us. His performance encompassed wonderful musicality, displayed versatile technique while giving the Rococo Variations a fresh sound…truly in command of the cello. The orchestra followed great – every twist and turn, and made great music. The Brahms speaks for itself. Such a great work – who doesn’t love Brahms?! Seriously, I don’t think I have ever heard any Brahms that I didn’t enjoy. We had a large turnout…our listeners always come out and show their support.

Thank you to Atonement Lutheran Church for hosting our opening concert.

Now on to a new concert cycle.

The Civic Orchestra begins their new rehearsal cycle this week with Faure’s Pelleas et Mellisande Suite and Haydn’s Symphony No. 104 “London.”

Keep checking back for more blog updates!